EOLIS, the PNLCa and the YTO Foundation, working together for the screening of male and female cancers

Employee health is a priority for EOLIS Côte d'Ivoire, and this year, as part of its annual awareness and screening campaign, the company actively promoted the prevention of male and female cancers. In partnership with the YTO Foundation and the National Cancer Control Programme (PNLCa), EOLIS organized a screening campaign of its employees for breast, cervical and prostate cancers. The campaign ran from the 27th of September to the 3rd of October 2024 on the company's premises.

A campaign to screen for male and female cancers

The main objective of this campaign was to raise employee awareness while facilitating the early detection of these cancers. Statistics show that early detection can significantly increase the chances of survival and a better management and treatment. By focusing on prevention, EOLIS aims not only to improve the quality of life of its employees, but also to create a working environment where health and well-being are valued.

The methodology used

The campaign will include several steps for both female and male cancers. The breast cancer screening for 29 women included breast exam, with teaching of self-examination, followed by mammography for women over 45 years with a medical history. Cervical cancer screening was done via HPV typing, followed by visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) for positive women.

For 118 men over the age of 40, prostate cancer screening was carried out in two stages: a blood sample was taken to measure prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, followed by a digital rectal examination (DRE). All suspected cases will be referred to specialized facilities for a follow-up.

The calendar of the screening campaign

The campaign started on Friday September 27 2024, with the screening for female cancers in the morning and for male cancers in the afternoon. The blood draw for PSA tests for men continued on 1 October, followed by rectal examinations from the 2nd to the 3rd of October 2024. All the activities were supervised by a team of health experts, including urologists and midwives, to ensure an efficient screening.

A commitment to employee well-being

With this campaign, EOLIS has reaffirmed its commitment to the well-being of its employees. By encouraging prevention and early detection of cancers, the company hoped not only to save lives, but also to establish a corporate culture in which health is a priority. This initiative also marked an important step in raising awareness for cancer screening in Côte d'Ivoire.

The 2024 male and female cancer screening campaign organized by EOLIS is an example for other companies to follow in terms of social responsibility and employee well-being. The YTO Foundation is pleased to take an active part in this initiative and thanks EOLIS and the PNLCa for their trust.
