Women's Cancer Awareness Campaign: Pink October 2023

On the 19th pf October 2023, the "Pink October" initiative was spearheaded by the Women Association of the fruit dock of Côte d'Ivoire (Association des Femmes du Quai Fruitier de Côte d'Ivoire - Afem.QF-CI), in collaboration with Eolis Côte d'Ivoire. It marked a new stage in raising awareness about women's cancers. At the fruit dock, a hub of marine activity, the women took the lead in organizing a conference as part of this annual campaign to fight breast cancer. The event, approved by the management of Eolis Côte d'Ivoire, a subsidiary of the group “Compagnie Fruitière”, sought to raise awareness among women on preventive and early detection measures, while creating a chain of solidarity for those already suffering from the disease. The YTO Foundation took part in the event.

Pink October 2023: a highly acclaimed collective initiative

A collaboration between Eolis Côte d'Ivoire and Afem.QF-CI

At the conference, Lucien Delzechi, Chairman and CEO of Eolis Côte d'Ivoire, underlined the importance of this initiative. He expressed his commitment to supporting this cause in the long term, stressing the need for close collaboration to strengthen actions for the prevention and early detection of breast cancer. “We will commit all means in order to provide our support, financially and through our advice”, he asserted.

Ketsia Joëlle Thian, President of Afem.QF-CI, recalled the importance of early detection for a better survival, encouraging women to practice self-breast exam and perform regular mammogram. “Pink October is an opportunity for us to raise awareness and encourage all women to take care of their health,” she added.

The speaker was Professor David Téa Okou

The highlight of the day was a lecture by clinical molecular geneticist Professor David Téa Okou, who provided an in-depth perspective on the genetic and environmental factors that contribute to cancer susceptibility. He also presented new detection methods, such as genetic testing, which offer more accurate screening capabilities for hereditary cancers than traditional techniques such as MRI and mammography. His explanations lifted the veil on a number of preconceived ideas, prompting questions and interest among participants.

Towards a lasting partnership

In addition to this campaign, other awareness-raising initiatives are planned, notably for the fight against prostate cancer. Eolis Côte d'Ivoire and Afem.QF-CI committed to continuing these efforts with regular screening campaigns and conferences, thus consolidating the fight against female and male cancers.

A successful awareness campaign

The "Pink October" 2023 campaign in Abidjan has once again demonstrated the power of collectively raining awareness. Thanks to concrete actions such as those undertaken by Afem.QF-CI and its partners, women on the fruit dock are better informed about the importance of screening and prevention, essential elements in reducing the burden of female cancers. The collaborations and commitments made at this event are grounds for a lasting commitment to improving women's health in Côte d'Ivoire.

For more information, the full article is available in "Le Nouveau Navire", detailing all the activities and positive spin-offs of this campaign.
