We are ALL potential patients; our differences MAKE the difference!

The impact of our actions

We are working to improve the health of African populations through biomedical research and precision medicine.

The lack of representation of African populations in biomedical studies is a major challenge for global health, and for the development of tailored preventive and therapeutic solutions.

By focusing on the genetic diversity of Africans, the YTO Foundation is committed to filling the gap in genomic knowledge that will enable the goal of precision medicine to be achieved.

Support researchers alongside the YTO Foundation to advance precision medicine

We need your help to study the genetic basis of transmissible and non-transmissible diseases that exist in our environment, in order to reduce their burden.

Support the most promising research projects to help prevent disease, develop diagnostic tools and provide suitable or personalized care. Help the YTO Foundation reach its precision medicine goals.

Funding projects

Evaluation and funding of research projects, contribution to the development of genomic medicine.

Biomedical research

Production of data and information that can be leveraged by clinicians to prevent, diagnose or monitor diseases.

Education and training

Human and Infrastructure Capacity building to establish an internationally competitive research.

Clinical research

Assessing, adapting and directing therapies to provide a care that is more effective and suitable for each patient.
